Ram Cleaner & CPU Cooler

by INTim


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Smallest cooler App! 2 MB only! Cooling CPU, Free phone Ram and protect Battery!- Checking temperature in real time: Check phone temperature and perform your phone temperature on home screen when phone heating with CPU Cooler.-Detecting applications make phone heating: Detect applications cause phone heating and looking for the solution.-One click to cool down phone: Stop applications cause phone heating and make phone cooler-Warning immediately when phone is high temperature: When you phone is over heating, Cool features for your phone will alert to you through notification, keep phone safe and cool- Make phone cooler with one click, cell phone cool down, cooler master cpu cooler- Checking and warning when phone high temperature- Cpu cooler to cool down the phone temperature , auto cooling app for android- Cooling device for your phone, free cpu cooling cpu cooler master apps, - Phone battery cooler in phone temp cooler app- Cell phone cooler 5oC, cool down phone temperature for android- Multiple cooling mode keep phone cool temperature - FREE for all- Automatically analyze and make a list of telephone heating applications- Easy to control the temperature with cooler master, cool down cell phone- Icon android cooling fan device, cool down my phone from heating apps- Mini size easy to download and install smart device cooler- Warning when the device heats up in cool apps for my phone